As a G&C Companion you become part of a household and you have a versatile range of tasks with many responsibilities.

Werkzaamheden als G&C Companion?

As a G&C Companion you are primarily there for the elderly who is in need of companionship. You are a companion and support system and also controls and takes care of the entire household. If the eldery has a partner you can help to make sure everything is taken care of and the partner therefore has less to worry. This way you help not only the elder but also their possible partner and the rest of the family. 

Naast goed gezelschap en een luisterend oor ben je met name alles in en rond huis aan het organiseren. Denk aan taken op het terrein van zorg en welzijn en het huishouden. Daarnaast ondersteun je bij dagelijkse routines en sociale activiteiten. Mede door jouw aanwezigheid komt ‘jouw’ oudere geen aandacht tekort.
Concrete voorbeelden vind je hier.

Your job

Multi-dimensional and high responsibilities

As a G&C Companion you will become part of a household and have a versatile range of tasks with many responsibilities. You are responsible for organizing the care of the elder, in collaboration with the eventual partner and the other family. You provide a safe and trusted environment in which the elderly person can lead his or her normal life as normal as possible and you support the eventual partner and other family members.

Creativity and organization skills

Arranging daytime activities are also part of your duties. This maintains planning outdoor outings and trips and making sure everything around that has been taken care of. Maintaining and supporting social contacts is also one of your responsibilities. These tasks require a lot of creativity and organizational talent. Safety also plays a crucial role when you work for one of our clients. Protecting the safety of the elder is also one of your main responsibilities.

Great, interesting job!

These are just a few impressions of the work of a G&C Companion. It is a fun, challenging and exciting position in which you can develop yourself and use all your personal talents. The families who are looking for a G&C Companion place high demands on the personality of this person. The profession of G&C Companion is therefore not suitable for everyone. Please take a look at the characteristics of a G&C Companion to see if you meet our requirements.

Interested and want more information? Feel free to contact Jaap or fill in the contact form. We are happy to inform you about the possibilities.

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We zijn op zoek naar ervaren mensen uit de (ouderen)zorg die ruimte willen krijgen om voldoende zorg en aandacht te geven aan de oudere in kwestie.
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